Dysport® Injectable

Dysport® is also an excellent minimally invasive nonsurgical option for the treatment of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows, on the forehead and around the eyes. These particular wrinkles are not always an indicator of age, but can simply be the result of an expressive face. Repeated movements and muscle contractions from facial expressions leave lines even in younger adults. Dysport® targets specific muscles and allows the untreated muscle in the face to move freely so that you can still express yourself. Results are safe and effective. The procedure is performed quickly and comfortably with minimal down time.
What is Dysport®?
Like BOTOX® cosmetic, Dysport® is a therapeutic Botulinum Toxin injectable that works in a similar fashion to temporarily relax muscle contractions. Dysport® is approved in 57 countries for the treatment of frown lines and squint lines around the eyes and has over 25 years of clinical experience worldwide. Dysport smooths the skin for a younger looking appearance without sacrificing your natural facial expressions. Because Dysport® delivers the natural looking results people want, 97% of users say they’d do it again.
What is the difference between Dysport® and BOTOX® cosmetic?
Although made from the same bacterium as BOTOX® there is some clinical evidence that Dysport® injectable may last longer, spread further and take effect more quickly than BOTOX® cosmetic.
Procedure and Results
Using a very fine needle, Dysport® injectable is placed directly into facial muscles that are causing furrows and lines. No anesthetic is required, but Dr. Lowry offers patients the option to numb the area with ice packs or topical anesthetic cream. Results can usually be seen within a few days of treatment and typically last up to 4 months, although areas that are treated on a regular basis may retain results longer. Dr. Lowry has extensive experience with the use of Dysport® having treated tens of thousands of patients comfortably in our offices with this popular minimally invasive procedure.